Adam kimmel cinematographer


little girl stop worryingIn our childhood one of the frequent question from our parents teachers or any elder is- what is your goal in life?/ what you want to be Doctor, Engineer, Pilot etc etc.

So from the beginning itself the word goal/aim comes to our mind and as we grow we started focusing on one above designation. many of us have achieved the goals that we have decided, but one question always comes to my mind that apart from humans any other creature on earth has any goal in life.

The answer is very obvious “NO” so the secret is that we are not born with a purpose or any goal, we are just born to live happily and let others live happily.

So all my friends start living happily, sometimes if u are not able to achieve any goals in life don’t be sad, leave it don’t be sad, as you are not meant to achieve goals in your life.

Just decide a way of living and enjoy like all other creatures are enjoying on this earth………………………..

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